The Chronicles Of Hufkens2000

January 2019

YES,... we made it !

For Christmas I received my very first Blu-Ray Player, 2 Black Panther T-shirts,
a 7 inch tablet, sporting after shave with shampoo and a Durex starterskit of 48 rubbers !
Besides that I scratched over 1000 Euros on tickets of the national lottery
and lost 2 more kilograms by not eating more then necessary !

After Christmas I spended 7 days home alone and celebrated new year by myself for the 27th time.
I do feel a little tensed and nauseous, probably because of all the excitement of these days !

Gentham is a city where discrimination rules !

Women are discriminating men, the elder are discriminating the young,
men are discriminating movies, mothers are discriminating the children of other mothers
and grandmothers are discriminating their neighbours.
Students are discriminating working people and working people are discriminating the poor !

No matter their colors, races or religious background,...
we have humans discriminating humans everywhere !
So everybody is fighting something somewhere !
Lucky for the city, most conflicts are fought only in the minds of the citizans,
where others can't see it, so people can keep their smile while struggling against their demons !

January 19, A second cold front is hitting Gentham City !
The next three weeks will be the hardest of the year.
Children and older people are the most vulnerable.
Some of the citizens will not make it !
Others will get marked for life !

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